Terms for App vs Web

The Northeastern University App vs. Web data sharing agreement is inspired by a similar one from CAIDA (www.caida.org). This is a basic policy to which you must agree before we give you access to any part of our dataset.

  • 1) The traces we provide are anonymized to the best of our ability, and no subjects other than our research team were involved in the data-collection process.
  • 2) The traces are provided to you, and you only. You may not reshare without permission.
  • 3) You will make no attempts to reverse engineer, decrypt, or otherwise identify any personal information in these traces.
  • 4) If you publish a document (including web pages and papers) that uses data from this dataset, you must provide us with a copy of the publication and must cite:
    Christophe Leung, Jingjing Ren, David Choffnes, and Christo Wilson. Should You Use the App for That? Comparing the Privacy Implications of Web- and App-based Online Services. in Proceedings of the 16th ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC'16), Santa Monica, CA, November 2016.

© Copyright 2012-2025 by David Choffnes, Northeastern University.
This work is generously supported in part by a DHS S&T contract (#FA8750-17-2-0145), a Comcast Innovation Fund grant and the Data Transparency Lab.